Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So that's it.  Summer is officially over, and I couldn't be any happier.  It's literally been 500 days of summer, having lived in Brazil this past year.  Hopefully along with the longest summer of my life ending, the next chapter can begin, and I can start moving forward again.

I want to study, or at least have a job where I can keep moving forward.  Hopefully Financial Aid will work for the next semester, I'm gonna hopefully finish sorting out that crap tomorrow.  And Hopefully I'll find a job around here that either pays well, or that I like and am learning most of the time.  Just waiting for my face too go back to normal to go looking. 

Also, there's this little thing that is coming this week,
Yeah, I'm a huge FF fan, and had no idea until I read about it on another blog. I haven't played XIII yet, but I don't have a PS3 anymore anyways.  I'm not sure if I should buy this game, seeing as how I recently quit WoW since i got bored of it. whatever.


  1. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  2. Thanks, your right, I should just pirate XIV =]

  3. cant wait to play this, hope its more like wow than 11

  4. i cant help but love everything ff

  5. I don't know, everyone who has played the beta so far has complained a lot.

    Then again, it could just be stupid fanboys.

  6. Not a big FF fan myself, but I loved the earlier games and especially Tactics. I haven't seen 500 days of summer but I've been wanting to watch it also, I heard it was pretty awesome.

    About FinAid, good luck brotha, it's almost getting to the time to submit next fall's application. You'll be getting the scraps if anything. And you're thinking the right way about staying productive, it's hard getting anywhere in life if you have nothing moving you foreword.


  7. If you do play FF14 tell me how it is :)

  8. I played a little f the FFXIV beta, i didn't really enjoy it because my laptop doesn't run it well, i have 256mb on board gfx, but i'd recommend you get a dedicated 1gig card to run the game smoothly. because it didnt run on my laptop i didnt enjoy it =/

    My friends told me there isnt much content though, its made to be played only like an hour or 2 a day. My advice? Wait 6months to a year then get the game!

  9. YEah summer being over sucks, oh well i love winter

  10. i hear you can only spend an hour a day on it otherwise exp penalties

  11. This was the hottest summer ever. Miserable.

  12. Nice post :)
    Supportin check my blog!

  13. MMOs and colleges are a bad mix.

  14. Try it out and tell me how it is :P
    But yeah unfortunately I can't recommend MMos and colleges at the same time either..

  15. now i realize that my summer sucked :\

  16. Great blog, man!

    Hope you`ll check out mine as well.

  17. FFXIII sucked. Hope IV will be better.

  18. Ugh I love the old FF games so much. Have 1&2 on my IPhone and wish they made more.
