Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weekly Music Video

So I thought I'd start a weekly music segment that I'll post every Wednesday, with music that sounds amazing by itself, and even more-so when your blazed.

This is our first week, and so it only makes sense for my favorite song to trip to, to be showcased.  It's a song by the "downtempo" duo Zero 7, from their album Simple Things, featuring vocals by Sia Furler.

I originally ran into this song 4-5 years ago on Lacoste's website, only to have it emerge in the back of my head a few years later.  I'm glad I rediscovered this song.  It's great to listen to when you want to be in a relaxing mood, and it's the first song in my Trip playlist, as it acts as a segway into the really weird stuff I have on my Zune.

So without further ado, Destiny


  1. Awesome post
    I really love the postt you make
    make sure to check out my blog as well

  2. Nice banner and background mate

  3. that's some awesome chill out music thanks

  4. first time i heard these ppl good stuff

  5. Love the blog man, good to see the green family expand

  6. I love this style of comix! Will check back for moar!
